For your Euphorbia we recommend you place them in a warm bright window with some morning or evening sun. As some may grow leaves it is vital for the longevity of the plant to have plenty of bright light, but full sun may scorch the leaves.
Being succulents it is important that you do not overwater them. Let the soil dry out completely between watering, but avoid the plant to be bone dry over a longer time. This can range from once a fortnight over the warmer months to once a month in winter. Keep them at normal room temperature 18-24°C and avoid cold draughts.
The sap is poisonous and known to be an irritant which classifies this plant as toxic and not suitable around pets or children. Avoid getting this into your eyes or mouth and handle the plant with care when you are repotting it. Wash off immediately if in contact with skin.
Soft stem - Overwatering
Fading colour - Low light or too much sun
Leaves crisping - Sunburn or underwatered