The Calathea are part of the Marantaceae family. Commonly known as Prayer Plants as their leaves turn upwards at night like hands coming together in the prayer position. Originating from Brazilian rainforests, Calatheas come in dozens of varieties all with different patterns and colours. Great for adding a splash of colour amongst your plant collection.
Calatheas need a little extra attention to their needs so probably not for people just starting out with house plants.
Calathea Care
When caring for Calatheas, think tropical, warm humid conditions. Theyβre used to only dappled light making its way down through to the rainforest floor. For that reason these plants prefer bright, indirect light. Sit back from a south facing window. Too much sun can cause the leaves to lose their stunning colours.
When it comes to watering keep the soil slightly damp. Allow water to drain from the inner pot before inserting back into the decorative pot. This ensures the plant will not be sat in water, as this can cause root rot.
They absolutely love humidity. Mist regularly or use a humidifier.
Repot every 2 years or when the Calathea has outgrown its pot. Only go up one or two pot sizes using a well draining soil.
Edges of the plant turning brown and crispy - Lack of humidity.
Leaves turning yellow and falling off - Possible overwatering; root rot.
Leaves turning brown - Underwatering
Losing colour - Too much sunlight