Small, big, pinned, flowering, plump, robust, oval, spiralled, domed, green, jade, white and so on, but generally known to be spiky. Some of the most varied plants in the world are Cacti. These are not just to add decor to your styled home, but also to bring variation of uniquely elegant plants to your collection. We have always had an unfaltering love for Cacti at greenka, and we are happy to bring a wide selection for you.
Cacti Care
As they are famously known, cacti love sunlight and have a strong ability to survive drought. However they still need regular watering. In a very sunny location and with plenty of heat, they should be watered once a week to encourage growth. For large Cacti place a saucer with water underneath and remove once half the pot is soaked, remove the saucer after 30 min. Just make sure the soil is absolutely dry before watering again. During winter, you can cut back on watering as they become dormant in this period, and a good drench once a month is enough.
Most Cacti are happy to be in a sunny and bright window all year around, but during their dormant period a cool night temperature of 8-10C as a minimum is desired.
Cacti do outgrow their containers. Particularly if they are placed in a very sunny and bright spot. It is essential to have a very well-draining soil that provides your plant with enough oxygen but also nutritions. Cacti soil is widely sold and is sandier than most soil mixtures.
Soft and mushy cactus - overwatering and root rot
Pale in colour - underwatered
Top of the cactus rotting or changing colour - too cold