As they grow sideways and hardly more than 8 inches tall, Marantas are great in a hanging display. The best condition for Maranta is to keep her in a warm room with gentle airflow and her soil kept slightly moist. It is also important to mist your plant frequently. During the summer months it is important to fertilize as they thrive with some extra nutrition. Fluctuating conditions like irregular watering and drastic drop in temperatures will show visibly on the plant leaves. This is often due to fungal infection that is caused by root rot and will inevitably kill the plant. Marantas that are exposed to too much sun during the day will have colour fade and/or brown spots that grow on their leaves.
They do prefer rainwater where tap water can have high content of salt, minerals and fluoride. Leave tap water out overnight before watering most tropical plants.
Brown tips and curling leaves - low humidity
Mushy stems, droopy and yellowing leaves - root rot caused by overwatering
Pale leaves, fading colours with big brown blotches - too much sun
Slow growth - root bound, needs repotting. Use a rich, but well-draining soil, preferably in Spring.